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Smart Working is not a myth: it's measurable
The Coronavirus emergency has posed us with a challenge that Smart Working can help us overcome.

The Smart Working, according to the Digital Innovation Observatories of the Politecnico of Milan, means rethinking teleworking in a more intelligent perspective, questioning the traditional constraints linked to place and time, leaving people more autonomous in managing the way they work in front of a greater responsibility for achievements.
A Smart Working initiative is, therefore, a process with a great impact, which implies a lot of changes, in particular at cultural and managerial level within the organization and which, thanks to a careful study of the objectives to be pursued and the use of technology, it can be less complex to adopt in your company than you think.
Following the Coronavirus health emergency, in Italy many companies have activated Smart Working practices to meet the decree-law n.6 of 23 February 2020 which regulated the suspension of working activities for companies, excluding those that may be carried out at home or remotely. Companies already accustomed to Agile Work practices have found themselves facing the emergency situation in a more reactive and compact way, with consequent advantages also in competitive terms.
In Dilium we apply Smart Working daily, giving our employees the opportunity to choose one day a week to work from home for a better balance between personal life and productivity. We manage and monitor the company's progress in terms of economic savings, worker satisfaction and emissions reduction through the Smafely platform, which we have created together with Stantec Italia to give interested companies a way to measure the benefits that Smart Working can bring to organization.
Digital Transformation allows us to rethink organizational models to face tomorrow's challenges with greater confidence. To find out more, visit the website dedicated to Smafely.