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dilium wins the SI4.0 2022 tender managed by Unioncamere Lombardia
"Andarem" is the innovative project based on AR, VR and Blockchain presented by our team

dilium won the contribution provided by the tender call SI4.0 2022 (promoted by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi and the Sistema Camerale Lombardo), which promotes the implementation of projects for the experimentation, prototyping and commercialization of innovative solutions, applications, products and services based on 4.0 technologies and aimed at improving cybersecurity and business continuity in companies.
For our team, winning the SI4.0 2022 tender is a source of enormous satisfaction, but above all a great opportunity to continue implementing ambitious innovative projects that help small, medium and large companies to become at the forefront through the adoption of disruptive digital solutions in the field of emerging technologies.
We would also like to thank four client companies that chose dilium specifically as their 4.0-enabled technology and service provider for their recognition and trust in us as an innovative provider.
Andarem: the project that looks to the future of business"Andarem" (in Milanese dialect it represents the future indicative of the verb 'to go') is an ambitious project from the cloud-based technology infrastructure that integrates Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Blockchain into a single virtual environment within the metaverse.
An immersive, secure and fully customizable virtual space that can be replicated anywhere, anytime, where companies and organizations can independently conduct their activities - from organising events to training courses, from exhibitions to meetings - by simply renting or leasing their own space. A platform is easily accessible through the dedicated site and scalable to their needs that will use an advanced IT structure to offer multimedia content, virtual libraries and interactive activities.
With Andarem, companies will also be able to achieve their eco-sustainability goals, as the implementation of all activities in the virtual environment will avoid travel and consumption in the physical world, and test a new communication channel to intensify exchanges and interactions with stakeholders regardless of distance.
Through the creation of Andarem's immersive environment, dilium intends to continue on its path toward the creation of highly innovative technological solutions and wants to do so by positioning itself as a reference point for companies, businesses and organizations interested in exploring and developing part of their production activities or sales and training processes in new ways.